Ladies Intermediate Pistol League
The Intermediate League consists of scored drills that are shot from the holster at distances ranging from 3 to 50 yards and is not for beginners.

Ladies Intermediate Pistol League
The Intermediate League consists of scored drills that are shot from the holster at distances ranging from 3 to 50 yards and is not for beginners.

Ladies Intermediate Pistol League
The Intermediate League consists of scored drills that are shot from the holster at distances ranging from 3 to 50 yards and is not for beginners.

Ladies Intermediate Pistol League
The Intermediate League consists of scored drills that are shot from the holster at distances ranging from 3 to 50 yards and is not for beginners.

Ladies Intermediate Pistol League
The Intermediate League consists of scored drills that are shot from the holster at distances ranging from 3 to 50 yards and is not for beginners.

Ladies Intermediate Pistol League
The Intermediate League consists of scored drills that are shot from the holster at distances ranging from 3 to 50 yards and is not for beginners.

Ladies Intermediate Pistol League
The Intermediate League consists of scored drills that are shot from the holster at distances ranging from 3 to 50 yards and is not for beginners.

Ladies Pistol League - Situational Awareness Seminar
Ladies Situational Awareness Clinic

Ladies Intermediate Pistol League
The Intermediate League consists of scored drills that are shot from the holster at distances ranging from 3 to 50 yards and is not for beginners.

Ladies Pistol League - Training and Development
Learn and improve your skills in a fun and educational environment.

COED GSSF Practice Session
Participants will be able to practice the GSSF courses of fire to help them prepare for the OKC Red Dirt Shootout in October. You do not need to be a member to participate and all brands of handguns are welcome. Loaner Glocks are available (.22lr).
RSVP is required - Call or text Jamie at 405-613-6541
Cost: $20 each
Items Needed:
Proper eye/ear protection; at least 2 magazines (4 is better); 250 rounds of ammunition; notepad; chair; water/snacks.
Location: OKC Gun Club Pistol Range (across from the main clubhouse)
Address: 12465 NE 234th, Arcadia, OK 73007

COED GSSF Practice Session
Participants will be able to practice the GSSF courses of fire to help them prepare for the OKC Red Dirt Shootout in October. You do not need to be a member to participate and all brands of handguns are welcome. Loaner Glocks are available (.22lr).
RSVP is required - Call or text Jamie at 405-613-6541
Cost: $20 each
Items Needed:
Proper eye/ear protection; at least 2 magazines (4 is better); 250 rounds of ammunition; notepad; chair; water/snacks.
Location: OKC Gun Club Pistol Range (across from the main clubhouse)
Address: 12465 NE 234th, Arcadia, OK 73007

COED Intro to GSSF
This course will cover the basics of the outdoor GSSF (Glock Sport Shooting Foundation) matches that are held at the club and is open to all ages and experience levels. You do not need to be a member to participate and all brands of handguns are welcome. Loaner Glocks are available (.22lr).
RSVP is required - Call or text Jamie at 405-613-6541
Cost: $20 each
Items Needed:
Proper eye/ear protection; at least 2 magazines (4 is better); 120 rounds of ammunition; notepad; chair; water/snacks.
Location: OKC Gun Club Training Range
Address: 12465 NE 234th, Arcadia, OK 73007

Ladies Intermediate Pistol League
The Ladies Intermediate League requires prior authorization to attend and is not for beginners.
All intermediate participants have successfully passed the CLEET holster qualification and have had a substantial amount of training within the regular Ladies Pistol League courses.

Ladies Pistol League - Training and Development
Learn and improve your skills in a fun and educational environment.

Ladies Pistol League - Training and Development
Learn and improve your skills in a fun and educational environment.

Ladies Pistol League - Training and Development
Learn and improve your skills in a fun and educational environment.

Basic Holster Skills
Basic Holster Skills
This three-hour course is perfect for beginners with little to no experience in drawing from a holster or for those that need more practice in a structured environment with a qualified instructor.
Being able to draw your firearm quickly, safely, and shoot it accurately is one of the most important skills one needs for personal protection. This class is a great way for you to learn the basics of drawing and it will help you build your marksmanship skills in a safe and fun environment.
Becoming proficient at drawing a firearm from the holster takes many repetitions to build up the “muscle memory” necessary to draw the firearm safely, consistently, present to the target and shoot it accurately. In this class, Jamie breaks down the basic four step process of the draw and makes it easy to learn. She will also help you with any holster questions you may have and will provide a variety of concealment tips in class.
Date: Sunday, June 9, 2024
Time: 1-4pm
Cost: $40 for non OKCGC Members / $30 for OKCGC Members & OKCGC Ladies Pistol League Members. This is a coed class.
Location: Oklahoma City Gun Club “Training Range” 12465 Sorghum Mill Rd, Arcadia, OK
Items Needed:
Reliable Handgun with atleast 2 magazines
Sturdy belt
IWB or OWB Kydex Holster (no serpa style holsters allowed)
Minimum of one magazine pouch worn on belt
200 rounds of ammunition
Proper eye and ear protection
No open-toed shoes allowed on range
*Loaner equipment is available for an additional cost, but student must provide factory ammunition (reloads cannot be used with loaner firearms). Contact Jamie for more information and to reserve any equipment needed prior to the day of class.
If you would like to register for this class or if you have any additional questions, please contact Jamie Meyer at oklahomaguntraining@yahoo.com or call/text 405-613-6541.

Ladies Intermediate Pistol League
Ladies Intermediate Pistol League meets on the 2nd Sunday of the month beginning in the Spring of every year. Times for class will vary depending on the weather, so please follow us on Facebook and Team App for all of the latest information.
The Ladies Intermediate Shooting League consists of scored drills that will be shot from the holster at distances ranging from 1 to 25 yards. All scores will be logged and shared with the group after each session. This will give each attendee a baseline to measure their progress as they continue their training journey. This will help to encourage new growth and develop your skills at a faster pace. Attendees can expect to receive additional coaching during this event to help them reach their goals. Please bring 100-150 rounds to class.
All participants are required to attend the 4th Sunday training/practice events prior to participating in the Saturday Pistol League. Both club members and non-club members are welcome.
Location: OKC Gun Club Training Range/subject to change
Attendees require instructor approval, if have any additional questions or would like to RSVP, please contact Jamie Meyer at oklahomaguntraining@yahoo.com
Cost is $15 for non OKCGC members and $10 for members.

Ladies Pocket Rockets w/Chuck Haggard - SOLD OUT
This class is a 6-hour expanded semi-auto pistols version of the popular training classes I’ve conducted at the Rangemaster Tactical Conference and other conferences under the titles of Snub Revolver Skills and Small Pistols; “Practical Practice with Pocket Poppers”.
This training will explore the carry and use of these small handguns as EDC or back-up carry guns, the non-standard techniques often needed to run these small handguns efficiently and effectively, and the important differences in how they need to be run vs full sized handguns.
Topics covered will include:
-Grip, weapon handling, marksmanship, sighting and trigger control, maximum effective range
-Malfunction clearing
-Ammunition selection, wound ballistics and Tactical Anatomy to maximize the effectiveness of these small guns. A ballistic gelatin demonstration shoot will be conducted as part of this class.
-Primary and alternate carry methods, such as inside the waistband, belly bands, appendix carry, ankle carry, pocket carry, off body carry.
-Students need to supply range gear (hearing and eye protection, etc.), a safe, drop safe, and functional handgun, 250 rounds of ammunition for centerfire handguns, 300 for rimfire handguns, a safe method of carry for their handgun. Students may bring more than one handgun and switch between them if they so choose if they want to get practice in with more than one.
I am often asked “What do you mean by small handguns?”. Well, this depends on the hand size of the shooter. “Small handguns” are those that are enough smaller than service sized guns that alternated techniques need to be used to run them effectively. The list includes but is not limited to guns such as Glock 26, 42 and 43, Sig 365, Ruger LCP, etc.
Safe and reliable rimfire handguns, such as the Beretta 21, or .22lr versions of the LCP, etc., would also be appropriate for this class.
Approval by host is required. For more details about the cost and how to sign up, please email Jamie at oklahomaguntraining@yahoo.com or call 405-613-6541. Follow us on Facebook and Team App for more updates.

Ladies Pistol League - Training and Development
Learn and improve your skills in a fun and educational environment.

Ladies Intermediate Pistol League
Ladies Intermediate Pistol League meets on the 2nd Sunday of the month beginning in the Spring of every year. Times for class will vary depending on the weather, so please follow us on Facebook and Team App for all of the latest information.
The Ladies Intermediate Shooting League consists of scored drills that will be shot from the holster at distances ranging from 1 to 25 yards. All scores will be logged and shared with the group after each session. This will give each attendee a baseline to measure their progress as they continue their training journey. This will help to encourage new growth and develop your skills at a faster pace. Attendees can expect to receive additional coaching during this event to help them reach their goals. Please bring 100-150 rounds to class.
All participants are required to attend the 4th Sunday training/practice events prior to participating in the Saturday Pistol League. Both club members and non-club members are welcome.
Location: OKC Gun Club Training Range/subject to change
Attendees require instructor approval, if have any additional questions or would like to RSVP, please contact Jamie Meyer at oklahomaguntraining@yahoo.com
Cost is $15 for non OKCGC members and $10 for members.

Basic Holster Skills
Basic Holster Skills
This three-hour course is perfect for beginners with little to no experience in drawing from a holster or for those that need more practice in a structured environment with a qualified instructor.
Being able to draw your firearm quickly, safely, and shoot it accurately is one of the most important skills one needs for personal protection. This class is a great way for you to learn the basics of drawing and it will help you build your marksmanship skills in a safe and fun environment.
Becoming proficient at drawing a firearm from the holster takes many repetitions to build up the “muscle memory” necessary to draw the firearm safely, consistently, present to the target and shoot it accurately. In this class, Jamie breaks down the basic four step process of the draw and makes it easy to learn. She will also help you with any holster questions you may have and will provide a variety of concealment tips in class.
Date: Sunday, April 14, 2024
Time: 9am-12pm
Cost: $40 for non OKCGC Members / $30 for OKCGC Members & OKCGC Ladies Pistol League Members. This is a coed class.
Location: Oklahoma City Gun Club “Training Range” 12465 Sorghum Mill Rd, Arcadia, OK
Items Needed:
Reliable Handgun with atleast 2 magazines
Sturdy belt
IWB or OWB Kydex Holster (no serpa style holsters allowed)
Minimum of one magazine pouch worn on belt
200 rounds of ammunition
Proper eye and ear protection
No open-toed shoes allowed on range
*Loaner equipment is available for an additional cost, but student must provide factory ammunition (reloads cannot be used with loaner firearms). Contact Jamie for more information and to reserve any equipment needed prior to the day of class.
If you would like to register for this class or if you have any additional questions, please contact Jamie Meyer at oklahomaguntraining@yahoo.com or call/text 405-613-6541.

Ladies Pistol League - Training and Development
Learn and improve your skills in a fun and educational environment.

Ladies Pistol League - Intro to AR-15 Rifles
This Rifle Training Session will be located at the OKCGC Muzzleloader Range. We will be shooting out to 100 yards!! Rifles and ammo (.223) are provided for students in class, but you may bring your own if it has been approved by Jamie prior to class.
This is open to women of all experience levels, and you do not need to be a club member to participate. RSVP required.
Cost is $20 per person
Items needed: Eye/Ear Protection, chair, snacks/drinks, notepad.
Items recommended but not mandatory: chamber flag, binoculars, spotting scope, shooting mat.
Location: Meet in the OKC Gun Club Muzzleloader Range - Located through the Cowboy Action Gate - follow the purple LPL signs.
Training Sessions AM 9-12pm & 1-4pm (RSVP Required)
To RSVP for class, please email oklahomaguntraining@yahoo.com or call/text Jamie 405-613-6541

Ladies Pistol League - Situational Awareness Seminar
Learn and improve your skills in a fun and educational environment.

Ladies Pistol League - Training and Development
Learn and improve your skills in a fun and educational environment.

Rescheduled -Ladies Pistol League - Situational Awareness Seminar
One of the most effective ways to avoid becoming a victim is to spot an attack before it happens. Whether you’re being approached in a parking lot or walking through a crowd.

Christmas Party for the Ladies Pistol League
We will be doing a $25 max gift exchange…white elephant style, so please bring a gift if you would like to participate. We will have a potluck, with snacks and drinks (non-alcoholic of course). I wanted to change it up this year and have a Christmas PJ party!! So, get your coolest PJ’s ready and lets get in party mode!!! This will be a lot of fun and there will be some other surprises entailed…🤭!!!
Meet at the OKCGC Shotgun Clubhouse on the skeet range.
RSVP Required