The 2022 “TCGC Ladies Day” will focus on providing women an introduction to techniques and tools used for self defense. This is a one day private training event that is being hosted by the Tri-City Gun Club.
There will be a series of four (4) training blocks included in this event. The live fire training blocks are designed to provide women with the basic fundamentals of shooting and utilizing a shotgun and handgun. They will learn about appropriate shot placement and how to deliver rounds efficiently and effectively to neutralize a threat in a defensive situation. All firearms, and ammunition for these classes will be provided.
There will also be a basic training block on O.C. Spray (pepper spray). This block will provide information about the most common type of pepper sprays and gels on the market. Students will learn how to properly and effectively deploy the spray at 3D targets by using a water based training spray. This information will be extremely valuable for self defense especially for those that do not carry a firearm or in situations where firearms are not permitted.
Lastly, there will be an interactive holster clinic which will provide information on how to choose a quality holster for safety, comfort and concealment. Students will also learn extra tips and tricks for concealment specifically designed for women and their body types.
Cost: $60
All firearms, ammunition, targets, 1 raffle ticket, and lunch is included.
Great Door Prizes!!
Check-in 7:30-8:15 am
1st Rotation 8:30-10:15am
2nd Rotation 10:15-12:00pm
Lunch/Prizes 12:00-1:15 Group Picture
3rd Rotation 1:15-3:00pm
Holster Clinic 3:00-4:45pm
Closing/Q&A 4:30-5:00pm
Event Director: Tara Nelson-405-664-6549
Training Coordinator: Jamie Meyer